With all my ART - Jillian Cheshire
Art Therapy
Art 4 Well-being Workshops can be conducted individually or within a group. It is for all ages and all levels of ability. No experience in Art is necessary.
The benefits include: Empowering and Uplifting experience, Intentionally relaxing, Simple and quick access to mindfulness, meditative, improves self esteem, inspirational, modifies unwanted behaviour, nurtures your creative abilities, relieve stress, emotional release and resilience, self-regulation for traumatised clients, enhances problem solving skills, self expression, opportunity for personal growth and self awareness.
Art therapy provides various methods of expression, techniques and media, combining visual art and psychotherapy to help people improve cognitive and sensory motor function and exploring ones inner thoughts and emotions, using and transferring them through a creative outlet.
It can be used in various ways to help those experiencing trauma, dementia, autism, schizophrenia or to assist in providing day to day healthy emotional/mental health.
